What can e conclude by the end of the story? is this story like a puzzle that we can piece together? Can we identify one story as the truth or is the notion of truth itself put into question?Explain

In Kawabata Yasumari’s short story “The Izu Dancer”, the narrator, on a hiking tour to escape Tokyo and himself, has change in his attitude towards himself. this develops throughout the story but is very clear by the story’s end. What is his problem with himself? what is the role of the itinerant”Izu dancer” in his transformation? How do her young age and the mariginal situation of her “troupe” Factor into this self-discovery? What are the key turning points for this transformation.

Pick on of the following, You are neither required nor encouraged to do supplemental research for this essay and you must clearly document any secondary source that you consult using MLA style rules for citations. You must use citations from the text in your essay and you must include a works cited page.

1、In Kawabata Yasunari’s short story “The Izu Dancer” the narrator, on a hiking tour to escape Tokyo and himself, has a change in his attitude towards himself. This develops throughout the story but is very clear by the story’s end. What is his problem with himself? What is the role of the itinerant “Izu dancer” in his transformation? How do her young age and the marginal situation of her “troupe” factor into this self-discovery? What are the key turning points for this transformation?

2、In Akutagawa Ryunosuke’s seminal story “In a Bamboo Grove” six people and one ghost recount an event that transpired in the woods. This paper is too short to detail each testimonial but please identify the ways in which each one contradicts the other. What can e conclude by the end of the story? is this story like a puzzle that we can piece together? Can we identify one story as the truth or is the notion of truth itself put into question? Is the testimonial of one character worth more than another’s?

Required Text:

• Greenblatt, Stephen et al., Eds. The Norton Anthology of World Literature, Volumes D, E, and F

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