Explain how you can workwith children with ADHD: Strategies for counselors and teachers Reid, Robert. Counseling and Human Development33.6 (Feb 2001): 1.

– Please write a research paper about working with children with ADHD

– Write a paper that summarizes and integrates the finding in the articles/research. – You must discuss the strengths and limitations of the research and make suggestions for further research if this is an option.

-This assignment requires demonstration of knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation.

-Please use minimum 5 sources

-Please include the following articles:

1) Working with children with ADHD: Strategies for counselors and teachers

Reid, Robert. Counseling and Human Development33.6 (Feb 2001): 1.

2) Teachers’ Knowledge of ADHD, Treatments for ADHD, and Treatment Acceptability: An Initial Investigation. Vereb, Rebecca L; DiPerna, James C. School Psychology, Review33.3 (2004): 421-428.

3) A Prevalence Study:ADHD in Elementary School Children Garnett Francis

Saskatoon Board of Education. Canadian Journal of Psychology. volume 9, number 1, 16-27.

4)Teacher Knowledge of Stimulant

Medication and ADHD. VICKIE E. SNIDER, TRACEY BUSCH, AND LINDA ARROWOOD. Remedial and special education. Volume 24, number 1, January/February 2003.

* Please email me if you cannot find these articles and I will provide them!!