This assignment requires you to undertake a health needs assessment in your workplace. This may be of the whole workforce or a small section or department. From the results of this assessment you will be able to determine a health promotion initiative.
Questions for discussion:
1. What were the difficulties you faced in undertaking a health needs assessment?
2. What health promotion initiatives were you able to identify from this assessment and are they life style or work related?
3. How will you go about gaining the support of management and the workforce for implementing this initiative?
Following the discussions with your peers write a 3500 – 4000 word report for management on the health needs assessment and outlining the strategies for planning, implementation and evaluation of this HP initiative. The report should identify the evidence base for the initiative and be in line with international and national HP strategies.
The topics of my choice for this assignment on Health Promotion which are to be conveyed to the writer are as below
1. Smoking cessation
2. Obesity and its health effects .