How does "Insurgent Cuba" illuminate the complicated process of constructing new governments, determining which individuals had the rights of citizenship, and defining the nation in Latin America over the course of the nineteenth century?

Based on the reading up to page 138 of Ada Ferrer’s Insurgent Cuba, write a 6 page essay that analyzes the process of independence and nation-building in Latin America over the course of the nineteenth century. Your paper should engage with the assigned text using evidence from the book, in addition to incorporating at least two other primary sources or secondary readings. The goal of this paper is for you to craft your own arguments, using historical evidence to support your claims. While the paper is open to various interpretations, some questions that may be helpful to think about as you begin to organize your essay include: In what ways does the Cuban experience compare and contrast to the goals of independence fighters and the leaders of new nations in Mexico and Argentina? To what extent did ideas about race and ethnicity inform and shape Latin American independence and nation building? How does “Insurgent Cuba” illuminate the complicated process of constructing new governments, determining which individuals had the rights of citizenship, and defining the nation in Latin America over the course of the nineteenth century?

Additional Material Needed: Insurgent Cuba by Ada Ferrer up to page 138.

My professor was very persistent on creating a strong thesis that will highly engage her reading. Please provide a strong thesis that will engage her. You guys are the best writers in the world and without your help over this past year in college I don’t know where I would be, so thank you very much and I appreciate all the hard work and effort you guys put in.

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