Do multinational companies of different national origin have different approaches to IHRM? Discuss

Answer ONE of the following questions – length 3,000 words
1. Do multinational companies of different national origin have different approaches to IHRM? Discuss with reference to multinationals of at least two nationalities.

2. Discuss factors which might influence whether multinational companies (MNCs) are more likely to attempt to follow uniform HR policies across different national subsidiaries, or to follow different policies in different places.

3. ‘As China and India integrate into global capitalism, their labour reforms benefit multinational corporations to the detriment of labour’. Critically assess with reference to one or more of the following: labour markets, informal labour/migrants, industrial relations/trade unions; skills and training, rewards, and social security.

4. To what extent do Chinese institutional and cultural factors influence MNCs’ transfer of HR practices to their subsidiaries operating in China? Discuss with reference to one or more aspects of HRM/employment practice: for example, work organisation, labour control, pay and performance management systems, skills and training, employee involvement, etc.

5. The future for advanced capitalist economies is one of convergence towards a more Anglo-Saxon ‘liberal market’ type model of HRM. Critically evaluate this statement.

6. Compare and contrast two national models of skill formation and the challenges they face. Your answer should refer to one liberal market economy and one non-liberal market economy.

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