Demonstrates a clear understanding of the elements of the OT Process – Sections of the OT Process accurately reflect each step in the process as described in the OT Practice Framework

This is my final paper for this class. This assignment is based upon fieldwork. My professor gave me feedback and made comments. I will need the writer to first fix and edit where the professor made comments. This is the first part of the assignment before moving forward with the rest of the assignment. I will provide a rubric of the assignment. I have started the assignment but can’t move forward until these corrections are fixed first. I will provide an example of the assignment and provide the framework book that needs to be used in this assignment. I would like the writer to complete the whole assignment. I am also a graduate student so the writer needs to include the graduate section at the end.

(8- 8.5 pages for undergrads, 8-9 for grads) – APA Style – includes title page

OT Initial Assessment/Intervention Plan

Occupational Profile

Analysis of Occupational Performance –

Data from Assessments (use headings that match the assessments that YOU used)

Narrative Inferences about Occupational Performance

Narrative Inferences about factors affecting occupational performance

List of Barriers and Facilitators (single spaced) using the following format:

Specific Facilitators

(one at a time) Model Term for this specific barrier

Model = _______ OTPF Term for this Barrier 2-3 most specific levels of taxonomy

Specific Barriers

(one at a time) Model Term for this specific barrier

Model = _______ OTPF Term for this Barrier 2-3 most specific levels of taxonomy

Problem Statement #1

Problem Statement #2

Intervention Plan –

• LTG #1 Write one long term goal (LTG)and a total of 0-2 short term goals (you need at least 2 STGs total in this assignment).

o Intervention Approaches Name 2 – 3 approaches for this goal, AND the foci (1-3) of each approach (e.g. I plan to work to restore the client’s short term memory and ROM in shoulder flexion.) Justify your answer.

o Types of Intervention – Name 2 – 3 types of intervention and your purpose for using them for this long term goal (e.g. I constructed a splint to block flexion (preparatory) in order to prevent strain on healing tendons during meal preparation).

o Intervention Activity – Describe 1 intervention activity that you provided. Briefly explain who did what (include: you, the client, the client’s friend, teacher, etc. – use everyone involved in the activity).

• LTG #2 Write one long term goals (LTGs) a total of 0-2 short term goals (you need at least 2 STGs in this assignment).

o Intervention Approaches (see details above)

o Types of Intervention (see details above)

o Intervention Activity (see details above)

_________________________________________ ___________

Signature Date

Enter the date on which you had all of the information that you used to complete this report – this date should be BEFORE the date of your intervention activities. Because you will submit this report electronically, “sign” the form in a script type font. Include your professional title (OTS)


Your reader should be able to clearly understand which OT Practice Model and which Developmental theories/principles you are using based on (a)the terminology that you are using, (b)the principles that you are applying as you describe the processes that you used, and (c)the types of inferences that you made throughout this report.

I have NOT asked you to explain ALL of the elements of a Practice Model or Developmental theory in any section of this paper.

(Start a NEW page here)

Intervention Implementation

Intervention Implementation (Data Only):

Describe what happened when you implemented your plan for one of your long term goals.

Intervention Review:

Explain what worked, and what you would do differently if you had the opportunity to work with this individual for another 1-2 sessions. Your inferences must be linked to the data that you have presented.


(Start a new page here)

Human Development –

Explain how you APPLIED principles (plural) of human development in your evaluation, in your intervention plan and in your implementation of your intervention. Remember that you are working to justify things that you clearly DID within the OT Process that you have reported above.

Application of a Practice Model –

Explain how you APPLIED the principles (plural) of a practice model in your evaluation, in your intervention plan and in your implementation of your intervention. Remember that you are working to justify things that you clearly DID within the OT Process that you have reported above.

Alternate OT Practice Model (less than 1 page)

GRADUATE STUDENTS ONLY: Describe how using an alternate model would affect what you DID within your OT process in this case. Give 2-3 specific examples. Compare and contrast how both models would affect clinical reasoning/clinical decisions.

Rubric (cut and paste to attach to your paper)

Student Name:


Points Points


1. OT Process – Elements – Demonstrates a clear understanding of the elements of the OT Process – Sections of the OT Process accurately reflect each step in the process as described in the OT Practice Framework. 20

2. OT Process – Provides clear and relevant data and links data and inference clearly to support a coherent narrative. 20

4. Demonstrates ability to use an OT Practice Model to guide clinical reasoning within the OT Process. 5

5. Demonstrates ability to use information related to human development to guide clinical reasoning within the OT Process. 10

6. Accurate use of terminology from the taxonomies of the Domain of Practice described in the OT Practice Framework (PLEASE do this in parentheses). 10

9. Writes in a direct, specific and very concise manner that provides the reader with sufficient information and does not include unnecessary or unnecessarily repetitive information. 10

10. Spelling, Grammar, Organization, Use of headings. APA Formatting including elements such as: title page, appropriate use of double and single spacing, correct citation of strong academic sources in the discussion section (and the grad section).


11. GRADUATE STUDENTS ONLY: Demonstrates the ability to compare and contrast how two different models would affect clinical decision making and the actions that they did take (or would have taken) within the OT Process. 5



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