Compare and contrast the different types of penitentiary systems. Explain how the officers are biased towards Victor. What caused prison riots and why were gangs created?

Your reviews should be more than summaries; they should be critical reviews. In addition to a

brief overview of the main themes of the book, your paper should address questions such as

the following:

-How is the view of prison life similar to and/or different from what held before

you read the book?

– How is it similar to and/or different from what has presented in class including

the assigned readings and videos?

– How might the author’s view of prison life be influenced by his/her background,

age and education?

– How might the author’s views be influenced by the crime of which they stand

convicted, the length of their sentence, the amount of time served, etc.?

Compare and contrast the different types of penitentiary systems. Explain how the officers are biased towards Victor. What caused prison riots and why were gangs created?

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