xplain key characteristics of postmodernism and discuss how "digital culture" can be said to express a postmodern media culture. Retract the tensions between cultural field (cultural populism) and the financial field (political economy) in the discussion and use self-chosen examples to illustrate and concretise.

1.Explain key characteristics of postmodernism and discuss how “digital culture” can be said to

express a postmodern media culture. Retract the tensions between cultural

field (cultural populism) and the financial field (political economy) in the discussion and use self-chosen examples to illustrate and concretise.


The totality must be of 4 normal pages.

A normal page consists of about 2300 characters with 1.5 line spacing and 12 pt.

Times New

Roman or the like.

Feel free to use relevant illustrations. This does not count towards the total number.

The paper should have a separate cover page and a reference list, and these do not count towards the total pages.

Page should include the name, subject, title and task lyrics.

literature will be used actively. It should not be referenced

lecture documents or Wikipedia. Secondary sources may well be used, but only

as a supplement and not as a substitute for the curriculum.

if you use any websites, please write the sources in the end of the assingment

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