MODULE TEXTBOOK: International Business – Dennis R. Appleyard and Alfred J. Field 8th Edition
My assignment is to find trade data on one of these three countries: Germany, USA OR China.
Theories from my module must be applied to this data and used to help explain various trade patterns (Import/Export) and make some predictions for the future. The essay must cover the suitability of the theory and how well it can be applied to the nation’s trade patterns. Some theories (which will be listed) may be not suitable but it should be stated why they cannot be applied as well when compared to others.
The referencing style to use is UWE Harvard referencing.
There is no limit on the amount of references to use but I have put 8 as the minimum. The module textbook should be referenced as many times as the writer feels necessary to substantiate knowledge.
If the writer chooses Germany, i would recommend using as a source for finding trade data.