ethics of jihad are:
* Learn, teach, and practice Islam in all aspects of one’s life at all times to reach the highest and best education in order to benefit oneself, family and society.
* Be a messenger of Islam everywhere, in every behavior and action.
* Fight evil, wrongdoing, and injustice with all one’s power by one’s hand (action), with one’s tongue (speech), or at least with one’s heart (prayer).
* Respond to the call for Jihad with money, effort, wisdom and life; yet, never fight a Muslim brother, a Muslim country, or a non-Muslim society that respects its treaties and harbors no aggressive designs against Islam or Muslims.
* Suicide under any pretext is not condoned as Jihad in Islam.
* Converting people to Islam by force or coercion is never Jihad but a crime, punishable by law.
write an essay about the ethics of jihad in Islam religion