Who brings problems to you and what kind of problems are they? How do you usually solve them? Who do you ask for help?

Class, for this coming week the next section of your paper will be due.  I suggest you review the course project details and rubric and using the subheadings will be enhance your paper:The Course Project is designed to provide you with real-life, practical experience in conducting a training and OD needs assessment for a selected organization and in developing a training or intervention strategy to address the needs that have been identified. <br>
Guidelines <br>
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The Course Project must be comprehensive and follow the analytical stages below. <br>
1.Select an organization to be studied.<br>
2.Develop and conduct a needs assessment.<br>
3.Analyze the data collected and identify training needs.<br>
4.Develop a training or intervention strategy to address the needs.<br>
5.Determine the training intervention cost and quantify expected results.<br>
6.Develop an evaluation method.<br>
Once the steps have been completed, a detailed paper outlining your processes, methodologies, results, and recommendations should be prepared. Although the length of the paper is not predetermined, a paper of 10–15 pages in length, double-spaced, is customarily necessary to cover the topic adequately. This does not include the title and reference pages.<br>
Note: There is an excellent guide online called Human Capital: A Guide for Assessing Strategic Training and Development Efforts in the Federal Government put out by the United States General Accounting Office. Although this relates to the government and not the private sector, it contains excellent information that can be applied anywhere. <br>
Milestones: Project Phases—In Detail <br>
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Part 1: Select an Organization to Be Studied <br>
There are a number of ways in which an organization can be selected. One option is to look outside your organization for companies that would be interested in participating in the project. Another is to volunteer your own organization, or if you are not currently employed, use a church, school, club, or other organization. <br>
Once your organization has been selected, you will need to learn a lot about it. It is essential for you to understand the organization’s business, goals, objectives, and mission in order to complete this project successfully. (Submit the information on your selected organization to your Dropbox by the end of Week 1—this is an ungraded step but required and essential to help you make sure you are on the right track.) Also note that you will be submitting a progress report for this project in Week 5 in the Minipaper assignment—this is worth 100 points. <br>
Part 2: Conduct a Needs Assessment <br>
Training and development processes begin with a needs assessment. Given the economic pressures that businesses face today, it is imperative that those needs be connected to specific organizational performance issues. <br>
There are three different forms of analysis you will need to complete. <br>
1.Organizational analysis involves determining the appropriateness of training given the organization’s business strategy, its resources available for training, and support by managers and peers for training activities. <br>
2.Person analysis involves (1) determining whether performance deficiencies result from a lack of knowledge, skill, or ability (a training issue) or from a motivational or work-design problem; (2) identifying who needs training; and (3) determining employees’ readiness for training. <br>
3.Task analysis identifies the important tasks and knowledge, skill, and behaviors that need to be emphasized in training for employees to complete their tasks.<br>
Hints for a Successful Needs Assessment  <br>
As you conduct your needs assessment, you may want to consider four potential sources of information that may help you in your analysis. Information such as employee turnover analysis, incident reports, long-range production goals, employee satisfaction studies, and physical plant layout can tell us a lot. Examples of other documents you may wish to consider include the following. <br>
•Business documents: Key business documents can be used to determine areas of poor performance and developmental needs. Such documents may include<br>
1.unit productivity reports; <br>
2.customer satisfaction surveys; <br>
3.communication survey reports; and <br>
4.competitive analysis reports.<br>
•Organization survey: Questionnaires can be created that probe for areas in which systems, structures, or processes are not functioning as intended. They can be used to look toward group, departmental, or individual issues. (Submit your survey to be used for gathering data by the end of Week 3—70 points.) <br>
Potential questions include the following. <br>
Part 3: Analyze the Data Collected and Identify Training Needs <br>
Analyze the data you have collected and identify one or more training needs for the organization. Be sure to fully justify your recommendations and link your recommendations to the organization’s business goals. <br>
The data collected must be viewed in terms of the initial intent of the project. Care must be taken to evaluate the data for what they portray. Insufficient analysis or understanding of data, as well as reading more into data than what they actually portray, are equally ineffective activities. (Submit your course Minipaper that describes your needs assessment findings and other relevant project information in Week 5—100 points.) <br>
Solutions To Reduction Of Crime By Offenders<br>
The Organization that I will study will be the Correctional Facilities.<br>
For APA papers you need to have a title page that follows APA format. <br>
Part 2: Conduct a Needs Assessment <br>
How can I determine who this paper belongs too?<br>
Being a leader in any law enforcement organization is very difficult and it is not for everyone, especially if you are a female. The responsibilities and duties that come with the job can be very hard. The main thing that a leader has to show is the ability to lead to the best of his/her ability.  Personal feelings that you have has to be put to the side. A primary goal is to get convicts to listen to you and be efficient on the job. As a leader in the Criminal Justice Field you have to ensure that everything is running smoothly on a daily basis, even during the days that you are not on duty.  <br>
There is a hugh problem within our Criminal Justice System. We are trying to create ways and methods in order to reduce crime by offenders once they are released from the prison system. A high percentage of offenders are released from prison and within a matter of weeks/months they are incarcerated again because they have violated their probation or committed a crime.<br>
There is no definitive details on your organizations name??<br>
Assessment Questionnaires:<br>
Questions can be asked by current offenders, Officers, Sergeants, Superintendent, Warden and the public.<br>
1.    Who are the decision makers that decide Offenders release<br>
2.    What determines their release<br>
3.    Do they understand what is expected of them after their release<br>
4.    Are they rewarded for good performance<br>
5.    How many violations before they are re-incarcerated.<br>
6.    What determines incarceration<br>
7.    How can we keep offenders incarcerated<br>
8.    Probation limit<br>
9.    How many offenders commit crimes after being released<br>
10.    Does the system offer counseling for offenders<br>
11.    Is their a program that help with employment once released<br>
12.    How can we keep Offenders from committing crime after they are released<br>
Observations: Individuals can be observed on the job and their interactions and activities noted for further analysis. Observations can include<br>
1.    how individuals communicate (time spent, amount of detail, responsiveness); 
2.    how individuals make decisions (time spent, involvement sought, etc.); and 
3.    how work is performed (under pressure, in groups, etc.).<br>
Interviews: Interviews can be conducted in person or via a distributed questionnaire that probe for areas where performance may be improved. Potential interview questions include the following.<br>
1.    What do you think the most important part of your job is? What is least important?<br>
2.    What would you like to learn to make your job easier or better? What are the programs, processes, or resources available for you to learn from?<br>
3.    How have you developed the skills that you have? <br>
4.    Who brings problems to you and what kind of problems are they? How do you usually solve them? Who do you ask for help?<br>
5.    What do you find most frustrating about your job? <br>
6.    What would you like to be spending your time doing? What would need to happen to let you do that?<br>
Needs Assessment Design, Implementation, and Analysis     70/50          Design a needs assessment that analyzes organizational objectives and goals and then examines the factors that affect reaching those goals. Your analysis should look at the organization, person, and task levels. Be sure you fully describe your methodologies, process, and results.     Comments: <br>
As a reminder and what the assignment is indicating, you need to add your analysis should look at the organization, person, and task levels.  In addition, title page, in text cited sources, reference page is needed. <br>
I would suggest adding the subheadings to your paper. <br>
Remember this is the start of your final project paper you just build upon it for each dedicated section.<br>
Organization Survey <br>
For the needs assessment, you will want to consider potential sources of information that may help you in your analysis. This assignment is a building block toward compiling the information for the project. You will create a survey or questionnaire to be used for gathering the data.<br>
Assessment Questionnaires: Questionnaires can be created that probe for areas in which systems, structures, or processes are not functioning as intended. They can be used to look toward group, departmental, or individual issues. See the information below regarding ideas for your Assessment Questionnaires. Remember to place the paper in the Week 3 Organization Survey Dropbox by end of day Sunday MT of the Week 3.<br>
Potential questions include:<br>
1. I am involved in decisions that directly affect my job. <br>
2. My supervisor communicates with me on a regular basis.<br>
3. I clearly understand what is expected of me. <br>
4. I am rewarded for good performance. <br>
5. My opinion has been asked regarding what needs to change in my work area. <br>
6. I understand why the decisions that affect my job are made. <br>
7. My supervisor gives me information that is important to me. <br>
8. I have the skills necessary to perform my job properly. <br>
9. I am rewarded for working well with others. <br>
10. I receive frequent feedback on my performance. <br>
11. I believe the information that I receive from my supervisor. <br>
12. I have the tools necessary to perform my job properly. <br>
13. My job leaves me with a sense of accomplishment. <br>
14. I understand the information that I receive from my organization. <br>
15. I am encouraged to make decisions that affect my job. <br>
16. I am encouraged to communicate with my supervisor. <br>
17. Team goals are supported throughout my organization. <br>
18. My organization treats all employees well. <br>
19. I have the information necessary to make decisions that affect my job. <br>
20. I am encouraged to communicate with others. <br>
21. The feedback that I receive is directly related to my job performance. <br>
22. My organization treats all employees fairly. <br>
23. My supervisor allows me to communicate my thoughts without fear of reprisal. <br>
24. The feedback that I receive is constructive in nature. <br>
25. My organization is interested in the growth and development of its employees. <br>
26. I believe the information that I receive from my organization.<br>
Observations: Individuals can be observed on the job and their interactions and activities noted for further analysis. Observations can include<br>
4.    how individuals communicate (time spent, amount of detail, responsiveness); 
5.    how individuals make decisions (time spent, involvement sought, etc.); and 
6.    how work is performed (under pressure, in groups, etc.).<br>
Interviews: Interviews can be conducted in person or via a distributed questionnaire that probe for areas where performance may be improved. Potential interview questions include the following.<br>
7.    What do you think the most important part of your job is? What is least important?<br>
8.    What would you like to learn to make your job easier or better? What are the programs, processes, or resources available for you to learn from?<br>
9.    How have you developed the skills that you have? <br>
10.    Who brings problems to you and what kind of problems are they? How do you usually solve them? Who do you ask for help?<br>
11.    What do you find most frustrating about your job? <br>
12.    What would you like to be spending your time doing? What would need to happen to let you do that?<br>
It is up to you to determine the methodology to be used in conducting the assessment. Considerations should include the willingness of the organization and its employees to provide information, the availability of information from the organization to be studied, and the availability of individuals in the organization to be interviewed/observed.<br>

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