What's the color purple stands for in these 3 chapters? What is the meaning of using the color purple?

From watchman comic Ch.3 – Ch.6:

1. What’s the color purple stands for in these 3 chapters? What is the meaning of using the color purple?

2. Why the color purple is important?

3. How did the meaning of the color purple changed through Ch.3 to Ch.6?

4. What’s the function of using the color purple?

For example,

You should pick some specific panels, and analyze them one by one, such as:

In Ch.3 page 3, the 9th panel, the meaning of the color purple is… the function is… it interprets….It’s important because…

In Ch.3 page 11, the 2nd panel, the meaning of the color purple is… the function is… it interprets…. the changes compare to the previous color purple is that…..It’s important because…

In Ch.4…

In Ch.5…

In Ch.6…

Such like this.

At least pick 4 panels, thanks.

Be aware that I’m not a native English speaker, so please use simple words to interpret these as much as possible, thanks so much!!

(I will upload the full watchman comic pdf and the color purple image, either light purple or dark purple are fine)