1. Introduction
Identify a well focused topic. Write a topic statement and a paragraph that describes your focused topic. This paragraph should sound like the introduction to a research paper (although you will not be writing a full research paper).
2. Background
Identify 1 – 2 items found on this website that provide background information on your focused topic.
Background information may give you a broad overview of your topic, it may fill in gaps about your topic that you were unfamiliar with, and can help bring you up to speed with your topic so may proceed with in-depth research.
For each item you select,
Write a proper APA bibliographic citation
Identify the type of information it is (substantive magazine article, credible editorial, credible web resource, academic journal article, etc.)
Justify your selection by writing a paragraph discussing the questions below
How did the background information help you with your topic, or not? How much did you already know or not know about your topic before you began?
3. Analysis
Identify 1 – 2 items found on this website that provide analysis information on your focused topic.
Analysis information helps you to break apart your topic and inspect it in detail. This is in-depth research.
For each item you select,
Write a proper APA bibliographic citation
Identify the type of information it is (substantive magazine article, credible editorial, credible web resources, academic journal article, etc.)
Justify your selection by writing a paragraph discussing the questions below
What part or parts of your topic does this information help you analyze? What kind of evidence does it provide? Were you surprised by anything you discovered about your topic? Did you change direction in your research because of what you discovered through the analysis information? How did this information help you formulate your solution or conclusion?
4. Solution / Conclusion
Identify 1 – 2 items found on this website that provide solution information on your focused topic.
Solution information verifies the results of your analysis of your topic and supports your conclusion.
For each item you select,
Write a proper APA bibliographic citation
Identify the type of information it is (substantive magazine article, credible editorial, credible web resources, academic journal article, etc.)
Justify your selection by writing a paragraph discussing the questions below
What part of your topic or topic analysis does this information support? Did you already suspect this conclusion early in your research? Were you surprised by your discoveries through your research? What evidence does this information provide to support its claims?