1. Read Chapters 5 & 6 in They Say/I Say (p. 64-71; 74-86)
3.Then, watch the clip of Louis CK on Conan O’Brien. Warning: there is some strong language.
3. Read one of the articles below (you can read both, of course, if you want)
An article about addiction to technology:
A recent opinion piece about internet and empathy:
4. Write at least two paragraphs about this topic.
What do you think? Are we too connected to the internet? Are we losing empathy? Or, does technology give us a greater ability to connect? Feel free to bring in alternate viewpoints.
Create a thesis.
Have at least one paraphrase and one direct quote. Use at least one of the templates from They Say/ISay.
Have both proper in-text citations and a Works Cited.