The purpose of this assignment is to develop the rationale for your Professional
Development Portfolio and the basis on which you plan to develop it. Some aspects will be
developed further and in a more reflective way in Assignment 2.
• A statement of the purpose of your Professional Development Portfolio;
• A statement of your current or recent professional responsibilities or professional
development on which you will base the development of your portfolio, and your
career plans that are relevant to the portfolio;
• The professional standards (or other relevant basis) that you plan to use to
demonstrate your learning or practice development, as well as identify your strengths
and areas for improvement;
• A brief statement of your professional beliefs and values;
• The kind of evidence you plan to use and why; and
• The method of presentation of your portfolio and reasons for choice.
This assignment will be assessed in relation to:
Clarity of description of rationale and plan
Linking of plan to purpose and rationale
Evidence of thoughtful consideration of evidence and presentation plan
Appropriateness of writing style