Part A: Email/Text Problems
What are some of the problems that you have experienced when writing or receiving poorly, perhaps hastily, written emails/texts? Describe at least five (5) types of issues.
Part B: Writing a Process Description
Select a specialized process that you understand well and that has several distinct steps. Using the process description discussed in Chapter 19 of your textbook as a model, write a one page description of this process.
Part C: Difficult to Follow Instructions
Find a short set of instructions or some other technical document from work or the Internet that is hard to follow. Replicate or download those instructions at the top of a one-page analysis. Assume that you are the Associate Director of Communications for the company that produced this document and that you are doing a final review before the document is released. Using the “Checklist for Instructions and Procedures” on the following page (also found in Chapter 20 of your textbook), identify what, specifically, makes the document difficult to use, providing a specific reference for each problem area.
“Checklist for Instructions and Procedures”
_ Does the title promise exactly what the instructions deliver?
_ Is the background adequate for the intended audience?
_ Do explanations enable readers to understand what to do?
_ Do examples enable readers to see how to do it correctly?
_ Are the definition and purpose of each step given as needed?
_ Are all obvious steps and needless information omitted?
_ Do notes, cautions, or warnings appear before or with the step?
_ Is the information rate appropriate for the reader’s abilities and the difficulty of the procedure?
_ Are visuals adequate for clarifying the steps?
_ Do visuals repeat prose information whenever necessary?
_ Is everything accurate and based on your thorough knowledge?
_ Is the introduction adequate without being excessive?
_ Do the instructions follow the exact sequence of steps?
_ Is each step numbered, if appropriated?
_ Is all the information for a particular step close together?
_ For lengthy instructions, is a layered approach, with a brief reference card, more appropriate?
_ is the conclusion necessary and, if necessary, adequate?
_ Does the familiar material appear first in each sentence?
_ Do steps generally have short sentences?
_ Does each step begin with an action verb?
_ Are all steps in the active voice and imperative mood?
_ Do all step have parallel and affirmative phrasing?
_ Are transitions adequate for making time and sequence?
Page Design
_ Does each heading clearly tell readers what to expect?
_ Are steps single-spaced within, and double-spaced between?
_ Is the overall design simple and accessible?
_ Are notes, cautions, or warnings set off or highlighted?
_ Are visuals beside or near the step, and set off by white space?
D: Ted Talk Lecture Evaluation
Watch a 10-20 minute TED Talks lecture online ( There are 27 evaluation criteria on the “Checklist for Oral Presentations” below (also found in Chapter 24 of your textbook). Select 10 among them that you believe are most salient for this speaker. Identify strong areas and areas that could have been better. Provide an example for each. (These are skilled speakers, so you’ll probably be highlighting more strengths than weaknesses.)
CHECKLIST: Oral Presentations
Presentation Evaluation for (name/topic)
_ Stated a clear purpose
Comments _________________
_ Created interest in the topic.
Comments __________________
_ Showed command of the material.
Comments _________________
_ Supported assertions with evidence.
Comments _________________
_ Used adequate and appropriate visuals.
Comments _________________
_ Used material suited to this audience’s needs, knowledge, concerns, and interest.
Comments _________________
_ Acknowledged opposing views.
Comments _________________
_ Gave the right amount of information.
Comments _________________
_ Began with a clear overview.
Comments _________________
_ Presented a clear line of reasoning.
Comments __________________
_ Moved from point to point effectively.
Comments _________________
_ Stayed on course.
Comments _________________
_ Used transitions effectively.
Comments _________________
_ Avoided needless digressions.
Comments __________________
_ Summarized before concluding.
Comments __________________
_ Was clear about what the listeners should think or do.
Comments __________________
_ Dressed appropriately.
Comments __________________
_ Seemed confident relaxed, and likable.
Comments __________________
_ Showed appropriate enthusiasm.
Comments __________________
_ Pronounced, enunciated, and spoke well.
Comments __________________
_ Used no slang whatsoever.
Comments __________________
_ Used appropriate gestures, tone, volume, and delivery rate.
Comments __________________
_ Had good posture and eye contact.
Comments __________________
_ Interacted with the audience.
Comments __________________
_ Kept the audience actively involved.
Comments __________________
_ Answered questions concisely and convincingly.
Comments __________________
Overall professionalism: Superior _________
Acceptable _________
Needs work __________
Evaluator’s signature: ___________________