What, according to Sartre, is existentialism? How does Sartre defend it against its critics? Next, what is the relation between freedom and responsibility from an existential perspective? Is there any way to mitigate our responsibility? What do you think this means for ethics and do you think this is a problem? Why or why not?

Please follow these instructions carefuly and exactly I want one or two paragraphs for the questions. And a seperte paragraph for the Extra Credit (Please place it bellow and mention that it is the extra credit.

Instructions: Your 5-8 sentence paragraph should demonstrate an obvious good faith effort to carefully and fairly address the questions below about our reading.

Question for your Critical Paragraph:

Background: Sartre claims that what ‘existentialist’ thinkers share “is that they think that existence precedes essence, or, if you prefer, that subjectivity must be the starting point” (p. 13). From this basic precept, existential ethics unfolds, including the seemingly paradoxical claim that we are “condemned to be free” (p. 23).

Question: What, according to Sartre, is existentialism? How does Sartre defend it against its critics? Next, what is the relation between freedom and responsibility from an existential perspective? Is there any way to mitigate our responsibility? What do you think this means for ethics and do you think this is a problem? Why or why not?

Extra Credit : Clearly state (in 1-4 complete sentences) a possible thesis for an essay that is obviously connected with the assigned material.

Sources: Sartre, Existentialism and Human Emotions, Citadel, ISBN 0806509023.

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