Using the information in steps two and three, you will need to create an evaluation for this portion of your case study analysis. Compare the strengths and weaknesses within the company to the external threats and opportunities. Determine if the company is in a strong competitive position and decide if it can continue at its current pace successfully.

description: The article presents several leaders of next generation of technology and how they deal with the new business models. you may select one company and you will need to used SWOT tool to analyses with the case, this tool is able to use on a company.

format:introduction, SWOT body, referecens.

here is the steps about how to write this case:Investigate and Analyze the Company’s History and Growth.

A company’s past can greatly affect the present and future state of the organization. To begin your case study analysis, investigate the company’s founding, critical incidents, structure, and growth.

Provide analysis on the External Environment.

The second step in a case study analysis involves identifying opportunities and threats within the company’s external environment. Special items to note include competition within the industry, bargaining powers, and the threat of substitute products.

Identify Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) within the Company.

Using the information you gathered in step one, continue your case study analysis by examining and making a list of the value creation functions of the company. For example, the company may be weak in product development, but strong in marketing.

Provide a brief analysis of your findings to this point.

Using the information in steps two and three, you will need to create an evaluation for this portion of your case study analysis. Compare the strengths and weaknesses within the company to the external threats and opportunities. Determine if the company is in a strong competitive position and decide if it can continue at its current pace successfully.

Make recommendations for the use of information Systems to be made as a result of steps 2, 3 and 4 above

Your recommendations should be discussed within the context of organizational change, levels of hierarchy, employee rewards, conflicts, and other issues that are important to the company you are analyzing.

Articulate an Action Plan

What’s next? Create a reasonable action plan/conclusion with milestones, checkpoints, and pilot projects. Include also a structure (teams, for example) for fulfillment.

Components in the action plan should be based on and supported by the context of your case study analysis.


The conclusion can be brief, one paragraph. It reminds the reader of the situation, your observations, suggested changes, and it concludes with a restatement of the benefits that will accrue as a result of the proposals made in your case analysis.

Think of the case analysis as a story, and your conclusion as a statement that pulls the story together.

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