Sidney plays a very significant role in the renewal of poetry in the Elizabethan period. Discuss in detail the formal and thematic dimensions of five poems from Astrophil and Stella and/or Arcadia, showing how the poet uses both tradition and innovation to create successful works of art.

I have a take home exam based on two question in the (English Renaissance) Each question should be answered in 5 pages so the total will be 10 pages. The answered should be from the notes from our lectures and I don’t need any resources except the text book that we used during our classes. The first question is:

1-Discuss in detail the main lines of Sidney’s Defense of Poesy, paying particular attention to his positive discussion of the nature and function of poetry to his defense of poetry against contemporary criticism, and to his evaluation of contemporary English poetry.

The text book that we used is this one

However, I found an online website that contain the part that we used from the book

Also I will provide you with the lecture that we wrote from the professor during class

The second question is

2- Sidney plays a very significant role in the renewal of poetry in the Elizabethan period. Discuss in detail the formal and thematic dimensions of five poems from Astrophil and Stella and/or Arcadia, showing how the poet uses both tradition and innovation to create successful works of art.

I will provide you with some information that will help you and I will uploade it as soon as I can

And I have some recorders that would help you, if you need them I can send them to your website email also

thank you and feel free to ask any question

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