Show two different musical characteristics that are typical for that period, that distinguish the music from other periods.

Answer the question based on the video and instruction i provided: ,

(These are examples from the Baroque Period)

Each question has two selections for you to choose from, or you can use examples from both of them. Just be sure to indicate which selection you are referring to.

*A note about the YouTube timings and the specific characteristics of the time period:

This wouldn’t work for a specific musical characteristic: “At 0:10 there is a slow TEMPO.” This does not work, because having a slow tempo is not a specific characteristic of any of the time periods, Baroque, Classical or Romantic. Be sure to read the textbook and check the previous module’s documents where I’ve pinpointed various characteristics.

For the terms, refer to the guidelines in the “How to Write in this Class” document in the Week Zero module, which includes some examples of showing proper use of terms.


Address the following in each of this exam’s two essay questions.

**There is an 85 word minimum. Less than 85 words automatically lowers the final points by 50%.

1) For 9 points each (18 total):

Find a minimum of two places in either of question’s videos that show two different musical characteristics that are typical for that period, that distinguish the music from other periods.

Indicate the exact timings in the YouTube videos. Feel free to scroll ahead to find characteristics.

Refer to the other documents in this module for more clarification, and there is an example of this portion of the question that uses the classical period.

An example of a characteristic NOT to use would be that it’s a “concerto.” This is a characteristic that is found in every time period.

2) For 3 points each term (6 total):

(This section is the same as the last jazz/blues exam)

Include at least TWO elements/terms from the first chapters of the book in your answer, and you must show the meaning of the terms as usual.

The words “lyrics” and “music” do NOT count as one of the minimum terms, but you may write them.

Using more than the minimum number of terms is recommended as insurance in case you do not use a term appropriately. As long as you have two minimum terms used correctly, if you use another one incorrectly, you are not counted down for that.

3) 6 points for thorough, well-thought answers. 85 word minimum. Proper spelling and grammar is graded in all exam essay answers. You may write more than the minimum word count and write about your own experiences, but that cannot constitute the bulk of the minimum length. Stay on task and address the music.