Outline any changes you would make to original theory in the Personal Criminological Theory assignment.

Outline any changes you would make to original theory in the Personal Criminological Theory assignment (From Power point attached to a word document), based on learning during this course. (I will load a theories chart learned in this course so you can use to review and provide changes to each slide in a word document).

List changes in bulleted format by slide.

Provide theoretical support where needed for each slide in the word document.

Provide APA citations and reference page consistent with APA guidelines.

The easiest way to complete the order is to review the Powerpoint attached. Read through the Powerpoint and identify areas in which my personal theory of crime has changed or has been supported by information presented in this course (Use Theory Chart Attached to provide changes) and add it as a bullet in a word document from section you are changing/ supporting. Make sure to cite the new material that you added or changed and provide a title . I am looking for quality, critical thought and thought supported with research material

For example…example: In a word document titled-Personal Criminological Theory Review. Do this review for each slide

150-word Review of Slide # 1:

List changes in bullet format




Summary of changes: My Personal Theory of Crime is that Santa Claus is responsible for the majority of crime in the United States. Santa is the leader of a large criminal organization, which engages in large-scale property crimes. Santa leads a gang of undersized, elf-like people who go largely unnoticed due to their stature. The FBI Uniform Crime Report indicates that most burglars apprehended in 2013 were 5’5″ or shorter supporting my theory (FBI, 2014). These subjects steal throughout the year, driving up the crime rate. To throw authorities off and gain the support of the public, Santa gives away some of the stolen items giving him a Robin Hood status within the community. A large political drive has Santa depicted as a jolly old, fat man taking away from his illegal activities. After taking Criminology, I now believe that most of the criminal acts committed in the United States is a result of Free Choice Theories found in Classical Criminology. Crime is an act in which the offender considers the possibility of punishment versus the reward of the illegal act. (Williams and McShane, 2012).

150-word Review of Slide # 2:

List changes in bullet format




Summary of changes:

150-word Review of Slide # 3:

List changes in bullet format




Summary of changes:

150-word Review of Slide # 4:

List changes in bullet format




Summary of changes:

150-word Review of Slide # 5:

List changes in bullet format




Summary of changes:

150-word Review of Slide # 6:

List changes in bullet format




Summary of changes:

150-word Review of Slide # 7:

List changes in bullet format




Summary of changes:

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