Monumental architecture served a huge role for cultures during ancient civilization as it would provide a landmark of morality for its land as well as provide beauty, entertainment, and religious benefits.Discuss

The Final Exam is a five-paragraph thematic essay using nine primary sources, three in each body paragraph, each paragraph designed around a topical subject, supporting a theme.

Create a theme (an interpretive thesis that is proved by evidence from more than one era, but not every era) and support it using three primary sources from either three different eras or many eras under three different topics. So the format is:

I. Analytical Theme and introduction

II. Body paragraph topic sentence

Discussion of this topic, proven by three primary sources, properly cited.

III. Body paragraph topic sentence

Discussion of this topic, proven by three primary sources, properly cited.

IV. Body paragraph topic sentence

Discussion of this topic, proven by three primary sources, properly cited.

V. Conclusion


cite all sources fully with artist/author, title, date and live link

all sources must be from the forums (you may add one to a forum if you need to, then use it – this makes your source available for others to use too)

paragraphs and examples must be presented in chronological order

bold the theme and italicize the topic sentences

take the time to edit inside Moodle – it won’t look right with just copy-and-paste

proofread and spell check – this is a formal essay

Essays will be graded on the level of achievement of:

1. an analytical theme

2. use of college-level English to clearly express ideas

3. three body paragraphs, each with a topic sentence, explaining how the sources connect to the ideas of the paragraph and essay

4. use of at least three primary sources to support the topic of each paragraph and the thesis as a whole (nine sources total)

5. sources correctly cited with author/artist, title, date, and active link

6. demonstrates an understanding of the era

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