Make a comparison between this production of Rigoletto and the production of Mozart's Don Giovanni critiqued previously and explain how the drama is unfolding as much in the music as in the words.

a) it must be a minimum of 10 pages;

b) please start your critique with research done on the composer and librettist, as well as research on the source material for the libretto itself (ie. novel, epic poem, etc.);

c) include the particulars of the production viewed in class (ie. the film’s director – research their background – and any other information in particular that led to the creation of this film production;

d) please comment on the fact this is an Opera made into a film, rather than simply a filmed staged production of the Opera – an important difference;

e) please include the cast and individual roles;

a) it must be a minimum of 10 pages;

b) please start your critique with research done on the composer and librettist, as well as research on the source material for the libretto itself (ie. novel, epic poem, etc.);

c) include the particulars of the production viewed in class (ie. the film’s director – research their background – and any other information in particular that led to the creation of this film production;

d) please comment on the fact this is an Opera made into a film, rather than simply a filmed staged production of the Opera – an important difference;

e) please include the cast and individual roles;

f) please also include the conductor, set and costume designer.

From this point on you are free to critique the actual production. As before, note and analyze the quality of the singing of each individual performer, referencing specific Arias, Duets or Ensemble scenes. Please do this in as great a detail as possible and be very creative with the use of adjectives to describe their vocal sounds and qualities. Naturally, please comment on their acting ability and delivery as well.

Please make a comparison between this production of Rigoletto and the production of Mozart’s Don Giovanni critiqued previously. Use our working definition of Opera to compare and explain how the drama is unfolding as much in the music as in the words.

Although not necessary, you may want to compare the Third Act of The Metropolitan Opera Gala 1991 production of Rigoletto (viewed in class) with the Third Act of Jean Pierre Ponelle’s production as well.

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