Lessons for Emergency Preparedness from the Loma Preita Earthquake.Discuss


minimum length requirement of 25 pages exclusive of title and references

**Additional: Review the enclosed information on the National Incident Management System (NIMS), Components Two and Four. During the analysis phase of your project, ensure that you discuss the communication and leadership issues that came to pass in dealing with your chosen event.

Gather your data and conduct your analysis. It is expected that you will fully read all of the references in your literature review–a minimum of 600 pages of material–and supplement as needed until you have a compete picture of your case, adding to the literature review as necessary. The analysis you accomplish for your final study must be thorough and comprehensive. It should address every hypothesis, question, and theory that you are attempting to explain in significant depth. Then, write a set of conclusions and recommendations appropriate for your case study. Be sure to include information appropriate to every section of the template.

Gather your data and conduct your analysis. It is expected that you will fully read all of the references in your literature review–a minimum of 600 pages of material–and supplement as needed until you have a compete picture of your case, adding to the literature review as necessary. The analysis you accomplish for your final study must be thorough and comprehensive. It should address every hypothesis, question, and theory that you are attempting to explain in significant depth. Then, write a set of conclusions and recommendations appropriate for your case study. Be sure to include information appropriate to every section of the template.

The text for this course is:

Yin, R. (2009) Case study research: Design and methods (applied social science methods) 4th ed.

New York: Sage Publications.

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