Is there some kind of information that would be useful to an outsider—or explain a fundamental idea to a non-technic

Proposal Planning Worksheet:

1. Sketch the structure, content and strategy for your Purpose of Project statement. What strategies will you use to make it compelling? Problem? Solution? Benefits? How will you quantify the information?

2. Background? Is there some kind of information that would be useful to an outsider—or explain a fundamental idea to a non-technical?

3. Discussion of Findings: Build an outline or architecture for your DOF section. Do you have two, possibly, three levels of information? Build as much as you can and keep adding to it to see if it makes sense. What rhetorical strategies for each section? What’s the look? What graphics can you use to expand on information and underscore the point you are making? Write it all in here using parentheses to note rhetorical and development strategies and graphics.

4. Recommendations section: If I were to say “yes” tomorrow, what would happen? How would implementation occur specifically for YOUR company? Think of at least 3 actions that need to be taken. How will you present them efficiently without confusing or boring your reader?

Write everything out. If you see any holes in this map of your proposal, think about how you will fill them. Do you need to do more research? Is there a question you need to ask me? Keep building on this map of your ideas.

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