Identify the person who is a member of this organization and, in your opinion, could be called a leader and explain what makes this person a leader.

Assignment Question

For an organisation that you know well (e.g., the organisation, where you are currently

employed or for which you worked in the past), using the relevant concepts, theories and

models introduced in the module, describe one person who could be called a leader and

analyse how effective this person’s leadership is and why it is effective.


The assignment should:

1. begin with a brief introduction outlining the aims and the structure of the assignment;

2. provide an informative overview of the organization, including the relevant

characteristics such as industry, location, size, and age;

3. identify the person who is a member of this organization and, in your opinion, could be

called a leader and explain what makes this person a leader;

4. analyse whether this person’s leadership is effective and why it is effective, using

appropriate theories/models of leadership (it might be advisable to focus on

contingency theories of leadership);

5. conclude with a summary of key points and implications.


The paper should:

1. be word word-processed, double-spaced throughout, in point 12 size font, left

justified, with standard margins (at least 2.5 cm on all sides), with all pages

consecutively numbered;

2. be formally structured, i.e. divided into sections (and, if necessary, subsections) with

meaningful headings;

3. include the list of references, documenting all the sources used in the preparation of

the assignment.


Referencing should strictly adhere to the Harvard referencing system. All sources,

directly or indirectly used for completing the assignment (including Internet sources and

the organisation’s internal documents), should be clearly identified and appropriately

referenced in the main text and in the list of references. Any unacknowledged or

insufficiently acknowledged use of sources will be qualified as plagiarism and will be

subject to the appropriate penalties.

Approaching the question

Students are reminded that whilst some questions may very evidently refer to a

particular unit they are all designed to span issues across the entire module. A full

answer to the question will require reflection on the issues that you have encountered

throughout the module. It is important to bear in mind that the content of your answer

will depend on the argument that you wish to put forward in answer to the question and

not solely on the concepts that the question explicitly identifies.

Assessment Criteria

In addition to the criteria outlined above and in the Programme Handbook, students are

expected to demonstrate:

1. in-depth knowledge and understanding of the module materials;

2. competence in identifying the relevant concepts, theories and models and in applying

them to real-life organisational phenomena;

3. ability to clearly articulate and communicate their own ideas and opinions in writing,

to develop arguments, and to structure a written presentation in a logical and

coherent manner.

Word limit: 3,500

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