Identify effects of chemicals on synaptic transmission, limited to adrenaline, alcohol, nicotine and heroin. Include the site of action and function.

1.1) Describe and outline the function of multipolar neurons and glial cells.

1.2) Describe and explain the importance of reflex pathways, including spinal reflexes.

2.1)Explain the effects hormones on metabolism and development, limited to insulin, glucagon, adrenalin and thyroxin. (please write each effect separately, example effect of glucagon, effect of adrenalin etc)

2.2) Explain the role of baroreceptor and chemoreceptor in coordination of the whole body.

3.1) illustrate the diagrams, explaining how a resting potential and action potential is achieved.

3.2) Describe the transmission of an action potential along a neurone and across a synaptic cleft. Also include a labelled diagram.

3.3) Provide a diagram which identified a weak stimulus and a strong stimulus. In each diagram explain how you determine your answer.

4.1) Research and explain the importance of synapses in terms of filtering, amplification and spatial and temporal summation.

4.2) Identify effects of chemicals on synaptic transmission, limited to adrenaline, alcohol, nicotine and heroin. Include the site of action and function.

this assignment should be fully reference and diagram added when necessary.

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