EGE2233 Entrepreneurial Mindset for Engineers
Final Individual Assignment
The following is a description of the requirements for your “Final Individual Assignment” in EGE2233. The foundation of this assignment is the utilization of the “painstorming” approach to opportunity recognition. The “painstorming” slides are available for your review. The Sri Condoor presentation is available on YouTube. You are to identify an opportunity that is driven by pain as well as the solution the problem. This assignment brings together the learning outcomes discussed at the beginning of the course and referred to as the Kern Student Outcomes. The assignment includes a five to seven page paper. Some of you may be called upon to share your idea with the class; therefore, you should prepared a few slides to communicate your opportunity. This assignment is worth 50 points.
Your paper should contain the following:
Description of the pain and/or the problem
Proposed solution to elevate the pain and solve the problem
Identification of the customer
Customer interviews using a questionnaire. Use as an attachment to paper
Potential commercial opportunity is there an opportunity to sell it
Opportunity for intellectual property can you secure a patten, is there a patten on it
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