How likely do you think future security breaches would be if Kaiser Permanente did not take steps to resolve underlying group and organizational issues? Why?

Using the case study titled “Breaching the Security of an Internet Patient Portal” (Case 14) on page 623-624, answer the following questions:

•How serious was this email security breach? Why did the Kaiser Performance leadership react so quickly to mitigate the possible damage done by the breach?
•Assume that you were appointed as the administrative member of the crisis team created the day the breach was uncovered. After the initial apologies, what recommendations would you make for investigating the root causes for the breach? Outline your suggested investigative steps.
•How likely do you think future security breaches would be if Kaiser Permanente did not take steps to resolve underlying group and organizational issues? Why?
•What role should the administrative leadership of Kaiser Permanente take in ensuring that KP Online is secure? Apart from security and HIPAA training for all personnel, what steps can be taken at the organizational level to improve the security of KP Online?

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