How does the research apply to your everyday life experiences (be specific)?

1. What is the purpose of the research?

2. What type of research method was used (e.g., description of subjects, how many, how were they selected; what apparatus or materials were used, and procedures).

3. Identify the independent variable(s) & dependent variable(s)

4. What were the main results?

5. How does the research relate to topics you’ve learned in your course (be specific)?

6. How does the research apply to your everyday life experiences (be specific)?

Be sure to include as a cover sheet (this page does not count toward the minimum 2 page limit) the following:

Your name, student ID number, instructors name and course number
article’s title, authors, and date of study

All papers must be submitted to YOUR PSY 100 INSTRUCTOR by the last regular scheduled day of classes (not including study period or finals week) by 5pm.

The paper should at least be two pages and written without excessive spelling errors, poor grammar, and punctuation. Please note that all essays must be original and done independently from other students. If any form is plagiarized from another student and/or some outside source, students may risk disciplinary action that is not limited to the following: an incomplete for the course; failing the course, and/or suspension from the university. Non-compliance of any of the aforementioned rules and the paper will not be accepted and graded as an incomplete paper.

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