This is a two separate question to be answered separately. Each question will have two separate references.
question 1 / Educational Achievement Gaps
While considering the article by Farkas, use three conclusions from the research that inform a potential career counselor about possible causes for the educational achievement gap. Whether you are working with children directly or not, articulate how this information is vital for career counselors to understand and address as it relates to career and educational planning, placement, and even evaluation. Finally, explain career development as an integral subset of human development.
For example, you might say, “Recent research has shown that there are many potential reasons for the disparity between racial groups. A review by Farkas (2003) has actually shown that the difference has to do with social background, or economic reasons, rather than race, per se.” and so on.
quiestion 2 / Career Counseling Across the Lifespan
From the framework of your readings and articles, synthesize your understanding and then justify career counseling across the lifespan. State what really struck you after reading the article, and identify the influence that career counseling can have when working with children, adolescents, and adults. How does the developmental lifespan perspective influence career and educational planning, placement, and evaluation?