How can you use your coursework in your current and future career plans as a Human Resource Manager in a health care setting?

Instructions: Graduate programs are organized to help provide the student with a well-rounded, balanced curriculum of interrelated courses. These courses are to help stimulate and facilitate learning on a higher-level for graduate students, but sometimes the higher-level or order of thinking is not fully utilized to its fullest extent. In many instances, students are asked to recall, comprehend, and apply given concepts, issues, and theories – instead of analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating their importance or relevance to one’s future career aspirations. Thus, one’s countless hours of studies to obtain a graduate degree may mean just that – a graduate degree in a physical sense, not a practice one.

After completing your graduate coursework, how can you use your coursework in your current and future career plans as a Human Resource Manager in a health care setting? Have you been able to incorporate and utilize the various elements of learning (concepts, theories, issues, discussions) into your current work situation such Organizational policies like safety and health policies are important methods of promoting a healthy workplace by establishing procedures and regulations for the people who work there? Please provide a detailed discussion of this potential application process of your graduate coursework. Mentoring and induction programs are implemented in order to “create positive first impressions, relieve any individual anxieties associated with joining a new team, establish high levels of professional and instructional expectations, provide opportunities for campus socialization and team building, and retain highly qualified personnel in the profession” (Sorenson & Goldsmith, 2006, p. 132). Specifically, do you think that you will be able to carry over the knowledge gained in your graduate coursework into your future career plans? Were there specific courses that you considered more important than others in terms of your personal and professional development yes organizational management, human resource management, Employees law and labor and Labor Relations, and strategic planning Were the courses that you helped you to achieve more personal and professional enrichment. As noted before, please be as detailed as possible in your answering and justification of your responses. Finally, upon successful completion of this master’s comprehensive examination, you will become a new graduate of APUS. As a future APUS graduate, you may have recommendations and/or suggestions for your given program of study – so this is an opportunity to illustrate such recommendations and/or suggestions in terms of offering these thoughts in a precise and analytical manner. From the perspective of your given discipline, should there be any changes or modifications to strengthen the course offerings in your program of study?

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