FrankensteinPaper details:Who is the real “monster” in the novel- Victor or The Creature? Who or what is responsible for the creature’s behavior? Is Shelley putting blame on a society that refuses to accept him? Does she hold Victor responsible for his negligence as a “parent” or is the creature responsible for his own actions?Outline for Essays Using the Paper Breakdown StructureIntroduction:Hook (Start talking about the topic generally): ____throughout the novel the creature spends his time trying to get love and approval from Victor, the father. Yet Victor, as we know, is not capable of love________________________________________________________________________________Background Info (Anything we need to know about the topic or reading before you begin an argument about something related to the topic/reading): _ _When the creature was first created he went straight Victor while he was in bed, Victor saw him and he immediately jumps out of bed and left the creature alone. The first time they talk to each other, Victor calls him vile insect. He also said, “Devil, Do you dare approach me”._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Thesis (Main argument AND why readers should care:Main argument: _While it’s true that Victor is responsible for making his creation a killer, Mary Shelley is saying to us that it’s more the society fault that the creature kills for the for pleasure and revenge. If society had treated him kindly or lovingly, or if they did not see “ugly” as being evil, then maybe he wouldn’t use killing as a way to cope with the rejections.______________________________________________________So what: If society had treated him kindly or lovingly, or if they did not see “ugly” as being evil, then maybe he wouldn’t use killing as a way to cope with the rejections.______________________________________________________________________________Body Paragraph 1:Topic Sentence (Subpoint of main argument): ___after being abandoned by his creatorthe creature goes off on his own to the world. It did not go well.Setup Sentences (Any connection needed between main idea of paragraph and example. Make it clear why you chose the example for this paragraph): __his first unfortunate encounter was witha Shepard.As the door is opened the creature enters.___________________________________________________________________________________________Example (Paraphrased or directly quotes specific example from a text):__ “An old man sat in it,” says the creature, “Near a fire, over which he was preparing his breakfast. He turned on hearing a noise, and perceiving me, shrieked loudly, and quitting the hut, ran cross the fields with a speed of which his debilitated form hardly appeared capable” (p.111) _____________Commentary or Analysis (1. Significance of quote’s ideas [breaking it down by word/phrase] 2. Impact on your main argument): ___the creature was surprise because the Shepard had not talked to him. The old man disappearance su that he’s base his opinion solely on the creature appearances.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Ending Sentence (Wrap up paragraph; what should readers learn from this example and topic from your discussion of it?): ___typical of human nature. We fear what we don’t understand. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________Body Paragraph 2Topic Sentence (Subpoint of main argument): __his next adventure is at a village.__________________________________________________________________________________________Setup Sentences (Any connection needed between main idea of paragraph and example. Make it clear why you chose the example for this paragraph): __at first he was awe of his surrounding. __________________________________________________________________________________________Example (Paraphrased or directly quotes specific example from a text):___”the huts, neater cottages, and stately houses engage admiration by terms. The vegetables in the gardens, the mild and cheese that I saw place at the windows of some of the cottages, allured my appetite” (p.112) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Commentary or Analysis (1. Significance of quote’s ideas [breaking it down by word/phrase] 2. Impact on your main argument): ___like before the people reacted negatively. The children screamed, and a woman fainted. The whole village was in a pandemonium. Like the old man, they too thought he was truly a monster without even talking to him.__________________________________________________________________________________________Ending Sentence (Wrap up paragraph; what should readers learn from this example and topic from your discussion of it?): ___Every time the creature come into contact with humans, he learns that his physical appearance repels them. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________Body Paragraph 3Topic Sentence (Subpoint of main argument): __after being attack by the villagers with stones and other weapons. He finds a refuge in a shack in the woods. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Setup Sentences (Any connection needed between main idea of paragraph and example. Make it clear why you chose the example for this paragraph): _he was scared and lonely, but he was happy that he had found a shelter. ________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Example (Paraphrased or directly quotes specific example from a text):__”having thus arranged my dwelling are carpeted it with clean straw, I retired, for I saw the figure of a man at a distance, and I remember too well my treatment the night before to trust myself in his power” (p.113) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Commentary or Analysis (1. Significance of quote’s ideas [breaking it down by word/phrase] 2. Impact on your main argument): __He’s afraid of what he might do to these humans.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Ending Sentence (Wrap up paragraph; what should readers learn from this example and topic from your discussion of it?): ___Now he has learned to equate people with fear and rejection. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________Body Paragraph 4Topic Sentence (Subpoint of main argument): _he’s hopeful when he sees the cottagers because they appear benevolent and loving, even though they are living in a small hut. But, when the creature actually meets the family they too turn on him.__________________________________________________________________________________________Setup Sentences (Any connection needed between main idea of paragraph and example. Make it clear why you chose the example for this paragraph): _Felix and Agatha show respect and love toward the old man who is their father. Clearly they love him and respect him. This is something that the monster has not seen before. ________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Example (Paraphrased or directly quotes specific example from a text):_ “nothing could exceed the love and respect which the younger cottagers exhibited towards their venerable companion. They perform towards him every little office of affection and duty with gentleness, and he rewarded them by his benevolent smiles” says the monster (p.117__________________________________________________________________________________________Commentary or Analysis (1. Significance of quote’s ideas [breaking it down by word/phrase] 2. Impact on your main argument): ___they good people, making the creature feel pain and pleasure. He is starting to see what he’s missing out on. He’s starting to see what a true family supposes to act. And now he wants it even more with Victor. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Ending Sentence (Wrap up paragraph; what should readers learn from this example and topic from your discussion of it?): __it’s only natural, isn’t it for a child to want to be love and nurtured?___________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________Body Paragraph 5Topic Sentence (Subpoint of main argument): __As he continues to watch the cottagers, he sees visitors going in and out of the hut, and theses visitors reminds him of being attacked. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Setup Sentences (Any connection needed between main idea of paragraph and example. Make it clear why you chose the example for this paragraph): _Even though the cottagers are compassionate the creature still fears human kind. He still thinks that human are like monsters towards him. He still has to be careful about meeting humans, but in his heart he knows that the cottagers are the “good people”. He thinks that the cottagers are superior to these visitors, ________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Example (Paraphrased or directly quotes specific example from a text): “I saw few human beings besides them [the cottagers] and if any other [visitors] happen to enter the cottage, their harsh manners and rude gait enhanced me the superior accomplishments of my friends” (p.120) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Commentary or Analysis (1. Significance of quote’s ideas [breaking it down by word/phrase] 2. Impact on your main argument): _by now he has learned both side of the spectrum which is that goodness existed with evil. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Ending Sentence (Wrap up paragraph; what should readers learn from this example and topic from your discussion of it?): _thus far people are judging him by his looks but by observing the cottagers he learns not to judge people by their looks. ____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________Body Paragraph 6Topic Sentence (Subpoint of main argument): _Yet he sees himself reflected in a transparent pool of water he himself is shock and appalled..___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Setup Sentences (Any connection needed between main idea of paragraph and example. Make it clear why you chose the example for this paragraph): _He looks like a monster. He realizes for the first time that maybe the Shepard, and the villagers had good reasons to fear him. ________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Example (Paraphrased or directly quotes specific example from a text): “at fist I started back, unable to believe that it was indeed I, who was reflected in the mirror; and when I became fully convince that I was in reality the monster that I am, I was filled with the bitterest sensations of despondence and mortification” (p.121)_says the creature. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Commentary or Analysis (1. Significance of quote’s ideas [breaking it down by word/phrase] 2. Impact on your main argument): __he’s learning to equate ugly with evil. He’s associating looks with judgment. Now that he knows what he looks like, he’s starting to doubt himself. He’s starting to think that the villagers had a good reason in wanting to destroy him. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Ending Sentence (Wrap up paragraph; what should readers learn from this example and topic from your discussion of it?): essentially he’s stating to blame Victor for creating a monster. _____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ConclusionReminder of Thesis (Not the exact same…must change based on body of essay): Topic Sentence (Subpoint of main argument): _even though Victor is a bad parent, the author places the entire blame on the shoulders of the novel’s unforgiving, unsympathetic, and violent society. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Bigger Picture Connection (What does your argument and its development mean for your readers? What should they learn or take from your discussion here?): it’s human nature to fear the unknown. It is understandable for the villagers to instinctively hate and fear the creature but to use violence, as a mean to cope with the things we don’t understand is to discriminate without cause. The cottagers were discriminate against on the bases of their religion. The creature is discriminated on the bases of his appearance. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________