For which kinds of computing and information systems do users really need to care about underlying technologies — which is what an operating system is?

Almost from its inception, the personal computer marketplace became fragmented around choices about which operating system people thought was best or coolest, or about which choice of systems offered users the best integrated and reliable options versus price. But while that Apple vs. Microsoft debate rages on, look what’s happened: the basic idea of personal computing has profoundly changed. It’s not only about manipulating the contents of files anymore — it’s more about bringing streams of interaction to your fingertips, or to the blink of your eye.

Other portable device makers have entered this marketplace — Linux-based choices, Android-based systems (owned by Google), and other technologies are becoming more and more commonplace. Dual-personality systems (or “dual-boot”) are much easier to buy and operate. And the devices themselves come with the underlying OS buried further and further away from what the user interacts with.

For which kinds of computing and information systems do users really need to care about underlying technologies — which is what an operating system is? Which kinds of users ought to pay more attention to how well a variety of devices and applications work together (and how seamlessly)? Which kind of user are you? And… do you want to be the other kind?

Read your classmates’ responses and expand on the ideas of at least two of their posts. If your peers post a question from the reading and you know the answer, feel free to respond. Your initial post should be 2-3 paragraphs in length (about 250 words)

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