. Explore how those risks have been resolved by the courts and the Parliament. In your answer, consider at least four decisions of Australian courts handed down since 1995.

This work needs writer who have strong background on Australia law major.

You need to find a ‘bolg’ first, the blog can be someone’s evaluation blog or any company’s blog etc. then indicate what the potential legal risk or what did the ‘blog’ breach any law.

Structure for this work: 1250 words MAXIMUM. 3 paragraphs needed.

First paragraphs, go to Australian case base to find 5 primary source ( in these 5 primary source need concluded 3 legislation source, and any other 2 kind of primary source). use four sentences to summary each case which you used.

The secondary paragraph needs: 20 secondary sources, both primary source and secondary sources needs footnote, and all references need according to ‘Australian Guide to Legal Citations (v3)’. and the format of foot notes.

Paragraph three needs: you own discussion which is what do you think of the blog. talk about all potential legal risk and what should improve etc. for this part.

I will upload the ‘Australian Guide to Legal Citations (v3)’ and details of requirements

there are some web links for help you finding primary source or secondary source or cases.

web links: http://www.comlaw.gov.au/



and there are 3 data base you need to use :1. WestlawAU 2. CaseBase 3. LexisNexisAU

Question 1: Essay worth 25 marks (1250 words maximum)

Whilst many Australian businesses have found social media services (such as blogs,

Facebook and Twitter) to be very useful marketing tools, such services also expose

businesses to legal risks. Explore how those risks have been resolved by the courts and the Parliament. In your answer, consider at least four decisions of Australian courts handed down since 1995.

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