Personal Ethics Development Paper
Write a 1,100 word paper on your individual ethics development that examines your personal ethical system and ground rules concerning these points:
• Focus on the developmental aspect of your ethics rather than on a particular position on any issue.
• Identify the primary personal values that drive your behavior and the sources of influence that helped shape your ethics–such as people, institutions, events, etc.
• Analyze your underlying ethics system by incorporating the terms found in the instructor’s announcements titled: “Understanding Ethics Terminology”. Show how the focus of the chosen ethics system and its related theory match your overall behavior.
• Define the criteria and/or decision making factors you use to evaluate if your personal values should be revised.
• Discuss the potential effect of your ethics on your work performance or use of them in your workplace by identifying a specific personal example.
• Explain why ethics are needed in an organization and how ethics are integrated into an organization to achieve its direction and goals. Include the effect that the adherence to ethical conduct has on individuals, organizations, and society.
Format your paper consistent with APA 6th edition guidelines.
Reference 3 references