Explain the risk for an IT organization, a risk plan for an IT organization utilizing normal IT risks and mititgations should be created.

Paper must be on a risk management topic. I chose Quantitative risks analysis within an IT organization. Beyond that it is rather vague. Paper must incorporate tools, techniques, models, theorists, and costs associated with the topic. Professor is looking for the models or any graphs to be dropped into the paper itself. Paper must be 3,000 to 3,500 words. Additionally, an annex must be added to the paper of a risk management plan that corresponds to the topic. Example, we are talking about quantitative risk for an IT organization, a risk plan for an IT organization utilizing normal IT risks and mititgations should be created. Since quantitative risk analysis also involves cost ($) of risks, this should be in the risk plan.

Paper will go through turnitin.com

Texts used for this class:
Project Management Body of Knowledge 5th Edition
Information Technology Project Management 6th edition by Kathy Schwalbe

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