Explain the position held by a Nursing Organization such as the American Nurses Association or American Association of Colleges of Nursing relative to this problem or disparity.

NUR 520 Week 3 Assignments: Equitable Health Care Position Statement and Elevator Speech:

The purpose of this assignment is to empower graduate nursing students to advocate, influence policy, inform others, and develop public speaking skills.

This is a 2 part assignment: Part 1 is the written portion and Part 2 the Elevator speech is presented to your classmates in a scheduled KU Live session in Week 4 (Day & Time to be announced).

Paper 80 points

APA Format

5 pages Limit excluding title and reference page

Include Supplement: Elevator Speech

KU Live Elevator Speech 20 Points

According to Milstead (2013) “full integration of the policy process becomes evident when professional nurses discern early the social implications of health problems, seize the opportunity to inform public officials with whom the nurses have credible relationships, provide objective data and subjective personal stories that help translate big problems down to a level of understanding, propose alternative solutions that acknowledge reality, and participate in the evaluation process to determine the effectiveness and efficiency of the outcomes” (p. 19).

Written Assignment Guidelines:

Choose a US population or minority with a health disparity or problem-10 points

Identify the health disparity or problem -10 points

Describe the significance of the health disparity or problem and its impact on the population or minority -20 points

Provide evidence including statistical data to support #3 via a Brief Review of the Literature (KU Library) to include webliography (Web sites in course resources)-20 points

Explain the position held by a Nursing Organization such as the American Nurses Association or American Association of Colleges of Nursing relative to this problem or disparity -10 points

Compose your own position statement to include why you believe it is important to

Advocate for this population, minority, health disparity, or problem? 10 points = 80 points

KU Live Elevator Speech: Purpose: To influence a politician or legislator on your position regarding the population and problem which you identified in your written assignment =20 points

Create a five minute or less elevator speech from your written assignment intended to influence a Politician/Legislator or Other Influential Leader on your position statement based upon your written assignment

Grab the attention of the listener in the first minute

Defend your argument using the data from your literature review and nursing organization position statement and your own beliefs

Reminder: Please attach your elevator speech as an Supplement (APA, pp. 228-231, 8.03) for your paper according to your APA manual

Milstead, J. A. (2013). Health policy and politics: A nurse’s guide (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

GRADING RUBRIC NUR 510 Week 3 Assignments


____/10: Choose a US population or minority with a health disparity or problem

____/10: Identify the health disparity or problem

____/10: Describe the significance of the health disparity or problem and its impact on the population or minority

___/20: Provide evidence including statistical data to support #3 via a Brief Review of the Literature (KU Library) to include webliography

___/10: Explain the position held by a Nursing Organization such as the American Nurses Association or American Association of Colleges of Nursing relative to this problem or disparity

___/10: Compose your own position statement to include why you believe it is important to

Advocate for this population, minority, health disparity, or problem?

___/10: Limit of 5 pages excluding title, supplement and reference page (Include as Supplement: Elevator Speech) Position Statement


____/5: Stay within allotted time frame of five minutes or less

____/10: Organized Speech Includes Facts and Supportive Research

____/5: Professional and Persuasive Position Statement

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