The purpose of the PPT is to gather support from investors to manufacture, create a business, etc. that can offer your product to customers. Each team’s final presentation must include the following:
Throughout this course, you have been working on a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) project in which you conceptualized an innovative product (goods or services), or redesigned a current product on the market. You should have followed the guidelines of IDEO’s five-phase methodology outlined in “IDEO Product Development.”
1) Identify your product and the target audience.
2) Persuade the potential investors to support or buy in to the proposed innovation.
3) Explain why you believe there is a market.
4) Explain why the product is both innovative and feasible.
5) Use the speaker notes area to provide information on the bullet points for each slide.
6) Explain how your team used IDEO’s five-phase methodology: understand, observe, visualize, evaluate and refine, and implement.
7) Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the five-phase methodology.