Explain factors that may increase the probability of characteristic inheritance i.e. sex-linked inheritance.

Task sheet is attatched. It is a ‘persuasive’ article, from the point of view that inter-breeding dogs for show is wrong, as it causes a number of genetic problems and is also ethically incorrect. It must be a detailed discussion that includes analysis of the genetics involved at a cellular level and makes links between knowledge and theory. The article must include references to – Genotype and Phenotype, Transcription and Translation, Inbreeding, Mutations and Protein Synthesis. Refer to conditions such as pituitary dwarfism, syringomyelia, but not in depth. The link to the stimulus video > http://www.abc.net.au/catalyst/stories/2688984.htm

Attatched is the task sheet, article structure, criteria, and an example of how to write the assignment (different topic).

A good place to start is the structure they give you on the task sheet but I agree that does not explain too much. Basically just put a whole bunch of related scientific information into a few paragraphs and then explained the ethics. Write scientific paragraphs into the basic explanations of genes, transcription, translation and chromosomes and relate them to mutations. Do another paragraph on autosomal dominant and recessive traits and probabilities with a little bit on polygenic conditions. Final paragraph about extra factors that may increase the probability of characteristic inheritance i.e. sex-linked inheritance.

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