Expand your research to locate all the required reliable print sources described in the summary box above. Any exceptions or substitutions must be approved by your instructor.


1.   Review the textbook pages relating to Research Strategy (pp. 359-367), Finding and Working with Sources (pp. 367-382 and 386-401), Quotation, Paraphase, and Summary (pp. 401-411), Avoiding Plagiarism (pp. 411-419), and APA style (pp. 512-538).

2.  Also review your notes from your instructor’s lecture-discussions on the topics listed in Step 1.

3. Expand your research to locate all the required reliable print sources described in the summary box above.  Any exceptions or substitutions must be approved by your instructor.

4. Print or photocopy all pages from the sources described in Step 2 that contain material you will use in your research and all pages that contain details used in reference page listings.  Remember that you can print 15 pages a day at no charge in the Academic Center (Terry 218).

5. Using these resources, develop an annotated formal outline of your research.

6. Store the sources described in Step 4 and the outline described in Step 5 in a 3-ring binder that also contains all graded and reviewed work on the Engagement Essay, and all graded and reviewed work on the Analytical Essay. This Research Notebook should have six tabs:  Engagement Essay, Analytical Essay, Sources, Research Paper Outline, Research Paper Rough Draft, and Research Paper Final Draft.

7.  Prepare a first (rough) draft of the research paper that contains a title page, a running head, an abstract, at least 6 double-spaced pages of body with in-text citations, first-level and second-level internal headings, and a references page.

8.   Meet individually with your instructor to discuss the first (rough) draft.

9. Submit a final draft of the research paper.

The due dates for Steps 5, 6, 7, and 9 are stated in the course calendar.  The Late Policy will apply to Steps 5, 6, and 7.  However, if the First (rough) Draft is late, you will forfeit Step 8 (the individual meeting with your instructor.)  Please note that the due date for the Final Draft is firm; a late paper will not be accepted.

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