EconomicsDO THISWhat you and other students will do is insert specific statements on principles that are covered in sections of the chapters. The chapter titles are questions, but this assignment does not involve answering the entire title question. Instead it involves presenting one principle that is learned in a section. Together, with many postings over different sections by various students, the principles within each section of the chapters are flushed-out. See bottom of page for the section numbers and titles.Reiteration: The outline assignment asks students to collaborate with each other in outlining the eBook. A student is to choose section(s) where he or she can contribute to the outline. So the student goes to a section, reads it and determines what principles of economics were presented. Each section normally has several principles presented. The student should choose one principle and write about it while including the section number and title to identify where it came from. The student should do this again for another section or perhaps the same section. This is the minimum requirement. To earn a higher grade it is advisable to write excellent statements and do more…for example two more posts than minimum. Evaluation is dependent upon the quality of the work in contributing to the project.Principles are the key ideas that you learn in each section. For each principle that you post in Canvas you are required to write the section number/title, then write the principle in bold at the beginning of your statement, then add several sentences that explains what the principle actually means. For example section 1.2 of the eBook contains at least four principles – definition of economics, why choice is necessary, distinction between micro and macro economics and economics is a social science. The example demonstrates this requirement for the latter principle.1.2. What is EconomicsEconomics is a social science because it attempts to analytically understand decision-making constrained by limitations. Production, consumption and distribution are among the many avenues that people contend with. Firms, industries and consumers are social units that involve microeconomic decisions. The scientific inquiry of macroeconomics – involves society’s confrontation with problems of growth, inflation and unemployment.DO NOT do the followingDo not miss writing the section number and do not miss writing the bolded principle first (at the beginning of your statement such as seen in the example above).Do not summarize the whole section: Pick one principle in the section to write about.??Do not post after the 4th student in a section: Check postings before you post. You may not post at a section if 4 students have already posted there. (Your post will not count for credit if you post after the 4th student in the section.)Do not post the same principle as another student: Again, check postings before you post. You may not repeat the same principle as another student unless you add to what the student wrote by stating what you read and what you are adding.Do not Plagiarize: Do not copy sentences or phrases from the book or anyplace else because it would be plagiarism; use your own words and construct very clear statements.Do Not Use Other Sources: Read and interpret only from the material in this class. Because outside sources on the internet and other places are sometimes factually in error and sometimes misinterpreted you are not allowed to use them.