Final Paper
General paper requirements: This paper is a research paper so you are NOT using your personal experience. You need to present solid support from the readings, not from Content pages. This paper is designed to demonstrate your understanding and knowledge of the key concepts of the course. Be sure to cite all ideas or direct quotes used. Use the APA citation requirements within the paper and in the list of references at the end. You must use a minimum of 6 references with at least 4 from the required course text or online resources. The Course Content pages and Wikipedia are not acceptable references.
Carefully review the assignment below and follow the outline. This paper is 20% of your final grade.
Write a five page paper in which you discuss two concepts and/or practices related to discernment found in Ignatian Spirituality and one other Christian masters we studied, and one other non-Christian spiritual traditions. What are the similarities? How are they different? Refer back to your course reading and resources and be sure to cite all references used in writing this paper. Choose two concepts from the list of five below to discuss:
1. Detachment/Nonattachment
2. Attention/Mindfulness
3. Relationship with the Divine (prayers and practices)
4. Action in the World (care for the others)
5. Discernment with others (companions who assist one with discernment)
Introduction (Well constructed paragraph detailing the focus of your paper) 2pts
What is spiritual discernment?
Name the concepts presented in the course which you will be discussing.
Concept 1 Choose one of the 5 concepts from list above then compare and contrast 6pts
What does Ignatian Spirituality have to say about it?
What does One of the other Christian Masters we studied (Merton, Catherine of Siena, OR Quakers only no other Christian resources) say about it?
What does One Non- Christian Tradition (Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam) say about it?
What are the similarities? How are they different?
Concept 2 Choose a different concept from the list of the 5 above then compare and contrast 6pts
What does Ignatian Spirituality have to say about it?
What does One of the other Christian Masters (Merton, Catherine of Siena, OR Quakers) say about it? You do not need to use the same Master you used in Concept 1.
What does One Non- Christian Tradition (Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam) say about it? You do not need to use the same Non-Christian tradition you used in Concept 1.
What are the similarities? How are they different?
Conclusion (Well constructed paragraph or two) Summarize the ideas presented in your paper and discuss how these practices support prayerful discernment? 2pts
Spelling, Grammar, and Citations 4pts These OWL resource could be helpful –
With in the paper End of paper reference page Electronic sources
Required readings: Welcome to the wisdom of the World. Joan Chittister
Sacred Compass: The way of Spiritual Discernment. J. Brent BillSt. Ignatius Loyola, Founder of the Jesuits Sections I, II, III, IV
Discovering a Sacred World—Preface through Discernment of Spirits
Discovering a Sacred World—Sections I – V