Discuss death, dying and the historical role of the nurse.

Assignment 2

Sanjita is a 26 year old woman with end stage metastatic ovarian cancer. She has a husband and one child. Sanjita has undergone extensive, aggressive treatment but is now palliative. She has an Advance Care Directive and a Plan of Care which states that cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is not to be attempted in the event of a cardiac arrest.

Sanjita has opted to die at home with her family but is in your ward today to have her ascites drained. You are a first year student nurse and caring for Sanjita with your preceptor. You and your preceptor have been to morning tea, however, you return a little early before your preceptor. You hear three buzzers coming from Sanjita’s room and on investigation find an agency nurse resuscitating Sanjita.

In essay format use this case study as a basis to discuss:

Death, dying and the historical role of the nurse

The importance of professionalism, collaboration, cooperation and therapeutic communication

The key underlying ethical, legal and professional principles inherent in this scenario

Your role and scope as a student nurse as underpinned by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia codes and guidelines.

Length: 2000 words

Please use this cover sheet/template for the submission of your assignment: FDT101 – Assignment Cover sheet-1_1_(3).doc



Write in the third person; avoid personal pronouns such as ‘I’ and ‘you’.

Avoid long, confusing sentences and check that your tenses (past, present and future) are consistent within the same sentence.

Avoid posing questions; work the information into the paragraph.

Use plain English. It is essential your meaning is clear and that you demonstrate your understanding of the nature of the topic.

Write your essay to the marking rubric, as this is where lecturers mark from.

Writing Tips

As you construct your essay you need to:

Use correct punctuation, spelling and syntax (sentence structure)

Paraphrase ideas from your reading/research, don’t just copy them

Avoid use of direct quotations.

Ensure you use APA 6th referencing style.


As good practice, whenever you include (cite) an author in your writing, ensure you include the full reference to the text referred to, at the end of your writing task.

To find appropriate sources, use the CDU library online journal databases.

Use APA referencing guidelines can be found on the CDU Library website. Download a copy and keep it to hand so that you can refer to it regularly as you learn the skills of referencing.

The APA 6th referencing system should be used as per the referencing guidelines on the CDU Library Website

Peer reviewed journal articles are your best sources. Avoid non-refereed sources such as editorials, monthly columns or non-refereed journals.

It is useful to include your set text as a reference but otherwise keep the number of books to a minimum.

Your reference list should contain a minimum of 4 quality references that are no older than 5-8 years. This does not include Wikipedia or dictionaries.

Information gained from Internet sites varies greatly in depth and quality of content.

Internet sites must be relevant and reputable, for example, the NWBA website.

Physical presentation

Use Times New Roman, Tahoma or Arial, 12 point font. Do not use bold type.

Use 1.5 or double spacing;

Do not use headings;

Include page numbers; provide your name in the footer of the document, e.g. smith_jane-s0077363_Assign2_NUR120

Include the correct cover sheet at the front of your final submission

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