Describe three good and three bad interfaces and why. explain why it is bad, what you don't like about it, what you like about it.

Describe three good and three bad interfaces and why. explain why it is bad, what you don’t like about it, what you like about it. Write a short paragraph for each. Refer to the criteria for good and bad interfaces discussed in Class #2.

Good interfaces are:

– intuitive (easy to learn)

– effective (get the job done)

– efficient (get the job done with a minimum expenditure of time and other resources)

– you like it

Bad interfaces violate all of the above

Use photos, illustrations or sketches to make your points. interface my include many things, such as iphone home page, anything that deal with human actions. i will up load my class ppt, so you can take a look at it, it is on the back

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