Describe the problems your character faces in clear terms and ask specific, answerable questions.

Writing Assignment #2

Most of the characters in “A Streetcar Named Desire” face overwhelming internal and external conflict. Choose ONE of the following characters from the play (Stanley, Blanche, Stella, Mitch) and write a 1-2-page letter from that character to a fictional newspaper advice columnist (think “Dear Abby”) asking for help (in the form of advice) with their issues. Be sure to stay true to your character’s voice. Describe the problems your character faces in clear terms and ask specific, answerable questions. DO NOT RETELL THE PLOT.
Use your own words: do not consult or include any secondary sources!
Grading Criteria

Letters will be checked for plagiarism using detection software and will be evaluated based on:

Originality, complexity, and sufficient development of ideas presented
Appropriate college-level diction/writing
Minimal sentence level errors; evidence of careful proofreading
Use of MLA heading, page numbers, Times-Roman 12 pt. font, and double spaced text
Give your letter a creative title that reflects its content.

No outside sources only use what I give you. Attachment below.

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