Check the attached list for your specific assignment (by entrepreneur’s last name and your student ID), review the related interviews and write a brief summary (up to 400-500 words) of a business idea introduced by the entrepreneur. What customer pain was addressed? Why was it innovative? What were the challenges? Why was it successful?
Problem 2 [10 pts.]
If your student ID# ends with an odd digit: Describe both your best and worst customer experience with a PRODUCT (it can be two separate instances) • Describe a product(s). • Describe your expectations with regard to a product. • How did the product perform with regard to your expectations? • Why do you think it counts as your best/worst experience?
(remember that 0 is an even number) Describe both your best and worst customer experience with a SERVICE (it can be two separate instances) • Describe the service(s). • Describe your expectations with regard to the service. • How did the service perform with regard to your expectations? • Why do you think it counts as your best/worst experience?
Problem 3 [10 pts.]
Write a short summary (1-1.5 page, 1.5 spaced 12 pt font) on the environmental impact of the product that your team is developing over its lifecycle.
Note: teams can discuss this issue as a group, but writing has to be done separately and independently.