Describe any special instructions that would be included with each class of these medications.

Using APA format, write a six (6) to ten (10) page paper (excludes cover and reference page) that addresses the disease management needs of adult patients with COPD for a safe transition between the acute care setting and home and the role of the interdisciplinary team in that transition.

A minimum of three (3) current professional references must be provided. Current references include professional publications or valid and current websites dated within five (5) years. Additionally, a textbook that is no more than one (1) edition old may be used.

The paper will consist of four (4) parts and must be submitted by the close of week 6.

Parts 1, 2, and 3 will focus on a disease management issue for the patient with COPD and the role of the interdisciplinary team in this issue.

Part 4 is the conclusion and needs to evaluate the effectiveness of the interdisciplinary team in making this a safe transition for the patient with COPD.

Part 1: Medication Adherence

Part 1 must include the following:

Two common classes of medications used to manage COPD are bronchodilators and corticosteroids. Why are these medications used to manage COPD?

What are some common side effects of these classes of medications? Which of these side effects would be reported and why? Which side effects would not be reported and why?

Describe any special instructions that would be included with each class of these medications. For example, food-drug interactions and medications that should be avoided.

Which health care discipline, in addition to the RN, is best suited to help with medication adherence? How will this team member collaborate with the RN, the patient and the family to help promote medication adherence and a safe transition to home?

Part 2: Dietary Modifications

Part 2 must include the following:

What is the role of diet in managing COPD? What changes need to be made to the present diet? What role does culture play with diet?

What obstacles might be encountered when informing the patient about the changes in diet?

Which health care discipline, in addition to the RN, is best suited to help with dietary modifications? How will this team member collaborate with the RN, the patient and the family to help promote healthy eating and a safe transition to home?

Part 3: Physical Activity

Part 3 must include the following:

What is the role of physical activity in managing COPD?

How would the RN promote adherence to a daily activity routine?

Which health care discipline(s), in addition to the RN, are best suited to help with physical activity? How will this (these) team member(s) collaborate with the RN, the family and the patient to help promote physical activity and a safe transition home?

Part 4: Conclusion

Part 4 must include the following:

A detailed conclusion that includes an evaluation of the effectiveness of the interdisciplinary team in making a safe transition for the patient with COPD.

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