Describe and analyze the significance of the Chinese Exclusion Law (1882).

Choose FIVE of the following. Write on average a paragraph for each. PLEASE use your own words. Copying material from the text is plagiarism without a proper citation. Copying material from anything or anyone is likewise plagiarism. Even then filling your answers up with quotes will hurt your evaluation. Late turn-ins will be docked, regardless of reason. If you let me know before hand, they will not be docked all that much.

Whenever possible, be specific, give examples to support your main points. Show you’ve done the reading and paid attention in class. Answers based on wikipedia and other sites will not be appreciated. Grammar is not as important as clarity, but do try to answer your questions in prose and not outline. If you need to email provide a good reason and later on a hard copy because I will only grade a hard copy.

Evaluations per answer

18-20. You’re doing more or less A work which means you’ve exceeded the requirements expectations.

16-17. This is a B kind of answer. You’ve more or less met my expectations.

14-15. This is a C kind of answer. You’ve not quite met my expectations, but you’ve shown effort or some insight.

12-13, D kind of answer. Disappointing. Incomplete.

11 or less. You’re probably lucky you got this much


1. Describe and analyze the significance of the Chinese Exclusion Law (1882).

2. Describe and analyze the significance of the Picture Brides.

3. Describe and analyze why Southern Asians (East Indians, etc.) and Koreans migrated to the U.S.

4. Identify and give the significance of Vicki Manalo.

5. Identify and analyze the significance of Angel Island.

6. Identify and analyze the significance of either Mamie Tape OR Wong Kim Ark.

7. Describe and analyze Ozawa v. U.S. and Thind v. U.S.

8. Identify and give the significance of Sammy Lee.

9. Describe and analyze the importance of ONE of the following: Anna Mae Wong, Forbidden City USA, the Hong Wah Kues, or the Fortune Cookie.

10. Describe and analyze the Barred Zone.

11. Describe and analyze Alien Land Laws.

12. Describe and analyze ONE of the following: Fu Manchu, Charlie Chan, Dragon Lady OR China Doll.

13. Identify and give the significance of the Taxi Dance Halls.

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