Create a Microsoft® Word® document saved under the following format: Lastname_Course#_W1.doc

Create a Microsoft® Word® document saved under the following format: Lastname_Course#_W1.doc

Research three different brands of computers using an Internet search engine (e.g. Google™, Bing™, Yahoo™, etc.).

Research the benefits of information systems in the work environment.

Write a 350- to 700-word summary describing the features of the different computers such as memory, processor, monitor/screen size, operating system, etc. In the summary include the following:

  • Comparison of the price
  • Bulleted list of the features that are most important to you in the computer description
  • An image of the computers
  • URL/Internet address for the computers
  • Bold, underline, and add italics to the price of each computer
  • Highlight the name of each computer

Write a one paragraph recommendation in which you recommend the computer you would purchase based on your research. This is in addition to the summary.

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